Leoda Solar Farm
Consultation Feedback Form
23 January to 6 March 2025

Leoda Solar Farm is a proposed new solar project on land situated northwest of Leadenham in Lincolnshire. The project would have a targeted generating capacity of between 500 and 600 megawatts (MW) of electricity, supporting the UK government’s net zero targets and strengthening our energy security by providing reliable and affordable energy at a time when we need it most.

Leoda Solar Farm would also feature a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), which will store surplus energy for use during peak demand, increasing the resilience of the national power grid.

We want to hear your views on our proposals for Leoda Solar Farm. Your feedback is important in helping to shape the project at this early stage. Please submit your response by 23:59pm on 6 March 2025.

Our consultation documents and an online version of the project newsletter are available on our website www.leodasolarfarm.co.uk.

How to provide feedback

  • Complete this online feedback form
  • Request a hard copy of the feedback form via our communication channels, complete it, and return it to FREEPOST LEODA SOLAR FARM (no stamp required).
  • Submit your comments or feedback form via email at info@leodasolarfarm.co.uk.

If you would like to request paper copies of the documents or need them in another format, please contact us by:

Views on solar

1. How important do you feel renewable energy projects, such as solar farms, are in helping the UK transition to net zero carbon emissions by 2050?

Please explain why.

2. What are your views of the development of solar farms located in Lincolnshire, England?

Views on solar

3. What are your inital thoughts on the Leoda Solar Farm proposals?

Please explain why.

4. We are currently in the early stages of developing our proposals and welcome your input to help shape and refine our plans. Do you have any suggestions or feedback on the proposed site layout, including ideas for landscaping or screening measures, buffer zones or access routes? Please provide your reasoning below.

Connection corridor

Opportunities to connect into the grid are limited to certain areas in the UK, with Lincolnshire offering the most availability of suitable development land. Leoda Solar Farm will connect directly into the national power grid via a new substation which is expected to be built to the east of Navenby (northeast of the site).

5. What are your thoughts on the proposed export cable corridor? Are there any features, local issues or areas you believe should be considered or avoided? Please provide your feedback below.

The local environment and landscape

We are in the process of preparing our Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR), building on the findings outlined in the Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Report, which can be found on our website. The Scoping process plays a critical role in identifying the key environmental topics and potential impacts that need to be assessed in detail as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

Using this foundation, the PEIR will provide an initial assessment of the potential environmental impacts and opportunities associated with Leoda Solar Farm.

6. What environmental issues relating to the proposals are most important to you? Please tick your top three.

7. Are there any particular routes, areas, or landmarks within or near the project site that are especially significant to you or the local community? If so, how do you suggest they be considered in the project design?

8. Do you have any comments or feedback on the proposed scope of the environmental surveys and assessments presented in the EIA Scoping Report?

9. The Applicant is committed to delivering a minimum 10% biodiversity net gain as part of the project. Do you have any suggestions for enhancing biodiversity or protecting wildlife habitats as part of the project? Please answer below.

Community benefits

As the proposals take shape over the coming months, we will be consulting with local communities and gathering feedback on how Leoda Solar can have a positive impact in the area and therefore benefit the local community.

We encourage community members to share their ideas and suggestions on projects that would benefit the region. We are committed to ensuring that the Leoda Solar Farm brings meaningful, long-term benefits to the local area beyond renewable energy generation, and we look forward to collaborating with the community to make this a reality.

10. What types of community benefits or initiatives would you like to see included as part of this project? Please answer below.

11. We welcome your suggestions for open access features, such as routes for permissive paths for cyclists or walkers, as well as other open areas like orchards or woodlands. What do you think would benefit the local community, and where do you feel these would be best located?

Our consultation

Thank you for taking the time to share your views on Leoda Solar Farm. Consultation is a critical part of the development process and will help shape our proposals. We greatly value the local knowledge and feedback we receive, and we’ll aim to incorporate it into our plans where possible.

12. In what capacity are you responding to this consultation?

13. How satisfied are you with the information provided about the project so far?

14. This is the first phase of our consultation. Our statutory consultation will take place at a later stage, once the project plans have been further refined and additional technical assessments have been completed. Is there any specific information you would like us to provide at that stage? Please detail below.

15. We would welcome any other comments you would like to make about Leoda Solar Farm. Please use the space below to address any topics not covered elsewhere in the feedback form.

About you

You are not required to provide personal details when responding to our consultation. However, sharing this information will help us understand who has engaged with our consultation and enable us to keep you informed about Leoda Solar Farm.

We may publish a summary of the feedback received, but no personal information about individuals will be disclosed. Any responses to this question will be treated as ‘special category data.’ If you choose to share Equality and Diversity information, please note that you can withdraw your consent at any time.

What is your gender?

What is your age?

Data privacy notice

Telis Energy UK is committed to protecting your personal information. Whenever you provide such information, we are legally required to handle it in compliance with all applicable data protection laws, including the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR).

How will Telis Energy UK use the information you submit?

Your responses collected through this consultation will be used for several purposes, including:

  • Analysing the feedback received during the non-statutory consultation;
  • Producing a Consultation Report based on the feedback analysis (no individuals will be identified in the report);
  • Providing updates about the consultation results and other developments related to Leoda Solar Farm; and
  • Maintaining up-to-date records of our communications with individuals and organizations.

Any personal information included in this form will be handled and used by, or made available to, the following parties to record, analyse, and report on the feedback we receive:

  • Telis Energy UK and its consultants working on Leoda Solar Farm, for purposes related only to this project;
  • The Planning Inspectorate (which will consider our application for development consent – any details published as part of this process will be anonymised);
  • The Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero (who will decide on our application); and
  • Our legal advisers.

What rights do I have over my personal data?

Under the terms of the UK GDPR, you have specific rights regarding how your personal data is retained and used by Telis Energy UK. For more information, please refer to https://www.gov.uk/data-protection